Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The DAVIES have arrived!!!

It's that time of year again, a time for reflecting on all that has gone on in the past year.  First off, let's look at the year in music.  Here are my picks for the best albums released in 2008, as well as some awards of my own choosing.

The Davey for . . .

Best vocals:  Murder By Death - Red of Tooth and Claw

Best breakdowns:  Once Nothing - First Came the Law

Catchiest pop songs:  MGMT - "Electric Feel"

Most brutal metal album:  With Blood Comes Cleansing - Horror

Most creative album:  Showbread - Anorexia/Nervosa

Best album to drive to on a summer's day:  TIE Once Nothing - First Came the Law and MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

Most overrated album:  Underoath - Lost in the Sound of Separation

Most underrated album:  P.O.D. - When Angels and Serpents Dance

Best club/dance/party music:  TIE Neon Neon - Stainless Style and Family force 5 - Dance or Die

And now, for the 


10. Becoming the Archetype - Dichotomy
Back to the old way of doing things and I love it.

9. The Showdown - Back Breaker
Never headbanged so hard in my life.

8. Cold War Kids - Loyalty To Loyalty
I keep putting these guys on and just grooving at night.

7. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Catchiest songs ever.  When you hear a song and you are SURE it was a classic you've been hearing your whole life, you know the album is a winner.

6. Once Nothing - First Came the Law
Nothing beats stanky-ass southern hardcore with completely awesome breakdowns.

5. Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Never cease to amaze me.  This band is the musical equivalent of a cultured college town or a stroll through Chicago.  Plus the singer is totally doing Zooey Deschanel.  Lucky bastard.

4. Advent - Remove the Earth
Imagine a steamroller covered in spikes racing towards you doing 65.  Yeah.

3. The Black Keys - Attack and Release
Masterful rock and roll that is all summer cruisin' and kick-ass gangster flick.

2. Murder By Death - Red of Tooth and Claw
Johnny Cash vocals through the roof and dirty western twang.  What's not to love?

1. La Dispute - Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
Imagine everything that is good about every style of rock, from indie to pop to metal to spoken word to classical to everything in between.  Now imagine you can hear it all compressed on one disc.  This is it.

1 comment:

shannonbriggs said...

i definitely agree with overrated album and #1 album of the year.