Monday, December 15, 2008

New song for people who know...

Dawn's *

It’s almost midnight
And the condiment trim
Calls my name
To a place where
For two whole summers
I nightly came
It's a place
Where the chairs
Ne'er are comfy
And the cushions
Are all torn in shame
Where everyone's smoking
And for secondhand
There’s finally no one 
To blame
And there’s not a spot
On the tile not
Already stained
But it’s here
Right here
That we can stay in all night
Joking off our families
And searching everywhere
For a light
And I know it’s the same.
Same. Same.
Sad place that we were
Last night
But it’s only here
Right here
That everything
Really seems alright...
Now it’s Wednesday night
Two AM and we’re still
Playin’ our games
Bonfires in the ashtrays
They never get lame
And everyone's coming in now
In out of the ice
And the snow
And everyone 
Is conversing
The young
And the fat
And the old
Because it’s here,
Right here
That everyone seems
The same
The fools and the lovers
The poets and musicians
Of mere high school fame
And we say with a frown
"This is the best place in town!"
It's here
Right here
But we don’t even know
It’s right name

*Great Lakes Myth Society was on my brain while I wrote this song.

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