Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Scenes, Part 2

Alrighty, from The Birds to the other movie that shaped my love for horror into what it is:  Stephen Spielberg's Jaws.  This is the haunting scene in which Quint recounts the horrors that befell the crew of the sunk USS Indianapolis as they were attacked by sharks.  For me, this was the scene that gave me the most chills from the entire movie.  The sea fascinates and terrifies me.  Being on a boat at night on the ocean with a great white shark swimming around somewhere below just makes my skin crawl.  The buildup in this scene is absolutely incredible from the standpoint of a writer, and it's shot beautifully.  Very intimate and quiet, with the gentle rocking of the boat in the background.  The dialogue is natural and proceeds from awkward conversation, to joking and drinking, to Quint's monologue quite smoothly and effectively.  Finally, we hear the whales and the crew begins singing.  It's a picture perfect image of the seafaring life.  Then the barrel pops up on the surface, bringing home the terror of the Indianapolis story, and it gives me goosebumps every time.  So very good.

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