Sunday, February 15, 2009

Unique Monsters

“Do you know what the Sinner’s Prayer really is?” I was speaking, but the words were suddenly very much Liverpool’s. I’d had about as much as I could stand of church language and salvation idioms and I wanted him out of here. I could take no more of his scripted lines lifted directly from evangelical pamphlets. I just wanted a moment or two of silence again. “It’s the spiritual one night stand. You’ll seduce me, screw me, and leave in the morning before I can even get your name. You probably won’t even leave me a cab fare. You make me sick.”
Work on In Name Only continues slowly, but steadily.

More reviews in the countdown coming soon.  Look for the final Davies to be announced and a reaction to the Academy Awards soon after the ceremony, most likely from my sunny vacation spot in Florida.


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