Monday, December 22, 2008

Scenes, part 5

I love seeing the emotional ties that people have to music.  I love seeing how music helps us express joy and sorrow and grief and hatred.  This is a scene from Black Snake Moan that does just that.  There's really nothing much else I can say about it, besides that it gives me chills every time I watch it.  

On a side note, it is a real shame that some people miss out on certain movies because they don't agree with some of the things the characters do.  I understand not letting your children see this move because of the sex, drugs, violence, and language.  But it is a shame that as an adult, people can't see those things as realistic depictions of characters and plots, and often skip over beautiful, moving films because of it.  I only mention this here because I know people who have turned this movie off because some of the characters say "fuck" a lot, and Christina Ricci's character has a sexual compulsion triggered by memories of childhood abuse.  I sometimes wonder if people would react the same way seeing these people in real life... Would we shut them out then too?  Just something I was thinking about.  Enjoy this scene, and sorry about the subtitles.

1 comment:

alycia cobb said...

i really enjoyed that movie and i like your movie segment you have going on.