Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A couple more songs..

Here's a few more songs that I'm grooving to thematically while writing my first draft of In Name Only.

The Hoard by As Cities Burn

They say that good boys walk straight on white lines.
Good boys keep their livers clean,
And smoke out of their lungs.
'Cause it's all about what you've done,
Good boys don't make mistakes to learn from.

'Cause when heaven comes,
They won't be caught being young.

Grace make your way to the well,
To those who deserve it.
After all they've earned it.
But vain, it's in vain,
'Cause they don't need it.

They're steady, steady breathers,
Who won't lift a finger for the gasping weaker.
You just hoard your hollow completion,
Like it's something wearing thin.
Like it's gonna get you in when heaven comes.

'Cause when heaven comes,
I swear it comes in love.

Grace make your way to the well,
To those who deserve it.
After all they've earned it.
But vain, it's in vain,
'Cause they don't need it.

Now I let go of your hand somewhere between,
Love and what it demands of me.

Grace make your way.

In A Sweater Poorly Knit by mewithoutYou

In a sweater poorly knit and an unsuspecting smile
little Moses drifts downstream in the Nile.
A fumbling reply, an awkward rigid laugh,
I'm carried helpless by my floating basket raft.
Your flavor in my mind swings back and forth between
sweeter than any wine and bitter as mustard greens;
Light and dark as honeydew and pumpernickel bread.
The trap I set for you seems to have caught my leg instead!

As you plow some other field try and forget my name,
see what harvest yields, and, supposing I'd do the same
I planted rows of peas but by the first week of July
they should have come up to my knees
but they were maybe ankle high.
Take the fingers from your flute to weave your colored yarns
And boil down your fruit to preserves in mason jars.
But now the books are overdue and the goats are underfed.
The trap I set for you seems to have caught my leg instead!

You're a door without a key, a field without a fence;
You made a holy fool of me and I've thanked you ever since.
If she comes circling back, we'll end where we'd begun:
Like two pennies on the train track the train crushed into one.
Or if I'm a crown without a king, if I'm a broken open seed.
If I come without a thing, then I come with all I need.
No boat out in the blue, no place to rest Your head,
The trap I set for You seems to have caught my leg instead!


Innocent Bones by Iron and Wine

Cain got a milk-eyed mule from the auction
Abel got a telephone
And even the last of the blue-eyed babies know
That the burning man is the color of the end of days
And how every tongue that gets bit always has another word to say

Cain bought a blade from some witch at the window
Abel bought a bag of weed
And the even the last of the brown-eyed babies see
That the cartoon king has a tattoo of a bleeding heart
There ain't a penthouse Christian wants the pain or the scab, but they all want the scar
How every mouth sings of what it's without so we all sing of love
And how it ain't one dog who's good at fucking and denying who he's thinking of

Cain heard the captive boy leap off the rooftop
Abel heard his papa pray
And even the last of the black-eyed babies say
That every saint has a chair you can borrow in a church to sit on
That the wind blows cold across the back of a master and the kitchen help
There's a big pile of innocent bones still holding up the garden wall
And it was always the broken hand we learned to lean on after all
How God knows if Christ came back he would find us in a poker game
After finding out the drinks were all free but they won't let you out the door again

I'll probably randomly post songs that act as my muses. Hope you enjoy them, and maybe discover some new music while you're at it, eh?

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