Sunday, November 9, 2008

To begin with...

I went to lunch with my friend Alycia today.  We did this so that we could talk about our shared passion for the creative arts, specifically writing.  I have a lot of creative friends that I can share intellectual ideas with, but most of these friends are creative in ways that I can never even scratch the surface of.  Things like music: song writing, instrument playing, and singing.  I have long since resigned myself to the fact that I will never do anything of the sort.  My calling, as I see it, is in writing and pretty much writing only.  I'm artsy at times, and I have a degree in Graphic Design.  Which I guess means that I can draw a pretty good dinosaur should the need arise; but mostly I just write.  Recently, Alycia has revealed herself to be quite the scribe, and I was ecstatic over the idea of having a writer friend! 

After getting the "You touch her, you die!" talk from my friend Mitch (her fiancee), we went to Applebees and got down to the real nitty gritty of a conversation that only writers can get excited about.  Conversations about poem structure, personal muses, dialogue, character development, and making a zine.

At some point, she said to me, "You know, I'm actually kind of surprised that you don't have a blog yet, Dave."

After a moment of silence in which I chewed on my Chili Fritos Burger I said, "Yeah, I kind of am too."  Thusly, this blog was born.  And since I'm starting this blog today, I might as well put up some sort of list of the things I want it to accomplish.

  1. Discovering my personal culture:  What I mean by this is keeping track of the ever-dynamic world of my tastes in music, movies, and books.  This means song lyrics that inspire me will be randomly posted, maybe reviews of things or musings on whatever I'm loving at the moment.
  2. Discussing my life: This will be much like livejournal, only with (hopefully) much better writing that will probably be less depressing.  Bascially, I want to discuss what's happening in my life, if it's interesting enough.
  3. Essays:  Lately I've been into writing short nonfiction pieces, mostly humorous reflections on my faith.  Hopefully these will crop up here more often than not.
  4. My writing:  In addition to posting poems, short stories, or excerpts from my novel, I hope display my daily flow of ideas and the struggles that being a first time writer has to offer.
  5. Miscellany: Here I'll put top 5 lists, jokes, surveys, videos, and all sorts of things I've discovered and want to share.

I aim to make this as enjoyable for myself as possible, and I hope that anyone stumbling across this page will find it interesting enough.  More will come later.  Thanks for joining me!

1 comment:

alycia cobb said...

i am excited for you to express yourself in a blog and i feel like it will help you organize all of your creative outlets. woooo.