Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wrongside Business, baby!

If you are going to see a movie while on your Thanksgiving break, I suggest Australia.  I won't go into a huge review here because the movie is too expansive and the hour is 4am.  However, see this movie for the cinematography, scenery, and wonderfully developed Aboriginal characters.  It's not so much a love story between Jackman's Drover and Kidman's Sarah, but more of a love story between those two and a small mixed race aboriginal boy named Nalluh.  For a first time actor, the young aboriginal child does an excellent (I would suggest oscar-worthy) performance.  He and his grandfather are the real gems of this film.  Clocking in at just under 3 hours with the previews, this film can get a bit tiresome at times (it has a great many chances to end cleanly, but then decides to continue for another hour or two).  That being said, it is one of the better movies that I've seen this year, so go give it a gander. go get me some wrongside business.

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