Sunday, November 30, 2008

A song and some clarification...

I guess I should clarify that sometimes I will post a poem and it won't really make sense as a poem when it's read out loud (or at least it doesn't to me). This is probably because I've said it's a poem and it's really more of a song. I'm no singer and I can't write music, so I'm not sure what else to call my songs besides poetry. However, a lot of the time I have a certain band stuck in my head when I sit down to write some poetry, and what comes out is basically a song I would try to write were I the vocalist for that band. So I decided to start clarifying when I'm posting a song, and when I'm posting a poem. Tonight, it's a song I just finished writing. Limbeck was on my mind tonight, so I guess this was written to their tunes bouncing around in my noggin. Enough said, here's the song:

The Perfect Date

I don’t know if you like me
I don’t know if you should
But a date isn’t a date
Unless I make it good
So I’ve only got this to say:
There’s live music at a bar
In a college town
And I’d like you to go with me
I know there’s ice in the streets
And I don’t drive great
But I say we brave the cold
And drive an hour or two
To some place
Where bands play late
We’ll get a couple beers
And we’ll share a cigar
And roll our eyes at lame opening acts
Then we’ll push in close
Through the sweat and the haze
And then, when our favorite band
Starts to play
I hope you lean in close
And move with the beat
To shout one thing in my ear:
“Thank you for bringing me here.”

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